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Skirt Draping Manipulation Webinar

Skirt Draping Manipulation Webinar

In our last class, we learned how to create a drape pattern for a basic skirt, both front and back and on the dress form. Making a paper pattern out of it. In today's webinar, we will take that skirt pattern created in the last webinar and design some new styles with...

Skirt Draping Webinar

Skirt Draping Webinar

After Draping the bodice and learning how to manipulate darts and shape, we move on to the next draping challenge. Today I will show you how to drape a pattern for a basic skirt, both front and back, then once we have it draped on the dress form we'll make a paper...

Skirt Draping Webinar

Draping: Bodice Manipulation Webinar

Description: In this webinar, we’ll take the bodice drape we did last time and I’ll show you how to manipulate the bodice sloper (pattern) into different shapes and how to move the darts or get rid of them entirely…. This is the start to making or changing your...

Skirt Draping Manipulation Webinar

Draping Webinar

Draping is a useful way to start a pattern. It is basically taking fabric (I’ll be using muslin) and draping it on a dress form to get the shape and design that you want. Today I will show you how to drape a pattern for a basic top, both front and back, then once we...

Improvisational Piecing Class

Description Nick shares how to choose fabric, color, and shape to create a composition based on your own ideas, plus how to improvise. He teaches how he pieces to create blocks or units, then how to put them together to create larger components.  Next, he will...