I know you’re busy kicking off summer, but I wanted to make sure you knew about my Soy Wax Batik workshop. Past clients have loved it, and I thought you might too!

Using soy wax is such a fun way to create beautiful pieces, plus it’s eco-friendly and easy to use, and best of all, it washes out with hot water and soap! This would be a fun idea for the grands to do with you when they visit this summer! I HIGHLY recommend adult supervision because you will be working with hot wax. 🙂

In my Soy Wax Batik class, I teach different techniques to achieve dynamic results, plus we’ll tie in ice dyeing to offer incredibly vivid and complex designs with the least amount of fuss!

You can read all about the class here. 

Here are a few of my favorite designs:

You could take the class and then teach your kids or grandkids, or you guys could all take the class together. It’s a fun memory-maker that they’ll tell their kids about one day. And it’s a great Father’s Day present – you could do the craft, frame it, and bam, you have a gorgeous gift!

Find out all the details about the class here.

Happy Creating!