This is a happy day around here! I launched my first YouTube Channel, and I can’t wait for you to view it.

I have nine of my favorite hacks and nine mini-classes up on the Channel, and live webinars are coming very soon! Here’s a mini about thread painting that my students love and I hope you will too! Click to watch on the blog, or hit “Watch on YouTube” to view this video and others on the Channel.

Find out how to master this skill in under 13 minutes, how to use vinyl when you sew, and so much more!

View all the minis and hacks here.

Before I go, I have a quick favor to ask. Will you help me spread the word about my Channel by subscribing and then sharing this link with your friends? I’d really appreciate it. 

I’ll pop in soon with more tutorials, webinars, and class segments when I get them uploaded on the Channel. Talk soon!

Happy creating!